1. "Stress Analysis of Gearbox," Pravin M., BR Kharde, and BR Borkar, IRACST, Volume: 2, Issue: 3, June 2012.
2. "A review paper on design and analysis of helical gear using ANSYS, FEM & AGMA standards" by PrashantModi was published in the January 2017 issue of IRJET.
3. Mechanica Confab, Volume: 2, No. 1, Jan. 2013, Pratik Gulaxea, N. P. Awate, "Design, Modeling& Analysis of Gear Box for Material Handling Trolley: A Review."
4. "Contact Stress Analysis of Helical Gear by Using AGMA and ANSYS," S. SaiAnushaSatish Reddy, P. Chaska, and M. Manoj, IJSEAT, Volume: 2, Issue 12, Dec. 2014.
5. A case study on various defects found in a gear system is presented by V. S. Panwar and S. P. Mogal in IRJET, Volume 02, Issue 03, and June 2015.