Prevalence of Alcohol Consumption in Mozambique: Analysis Based on Household Budget Survey (IOF 2022)


Macia Sandre1,Filimone Carlos2,Humulane Américo2


1. Directorate of National Accounts and Global Indicators, National Statistics Institute, Maputo, Mozambique

2. Directorate of Training, Documentation and Technology Transfer, Institute of Agriculture Research of Mozambique, Maputo, Mozambique


Worldwide the excessive consumption of alcohol in 2016 was considered as responsible for 5% of deaths and more than 200 illnesses and injuries. There are several studies conducted around the world to understand the prevalence of alcohol consumption. However, in Mozambique, there are few studies conducted to determine the prevalence of alcohol consumption, as well as, to characterize the consumers, using data from nationally representative surveys. The current study, identify the prevalence of alcohol consumption in Mozambique, according to socio-demographic characteristics of population using data from the Household Budget Survey (IOF 2022) carried out by the National Statistics Institute in 2022. The analysis of data was based in descriptive statistics. The study results revel that the prevalence of alcohol consumption in Mozambique is 24.6%, higher among men (27%), compared to woman (23%). The prevalence is high among people between 18 - 65 years old (26%) and people with higher education (34%). Around 17% of teenagers, between 15 and 17 years old, in both sexes, purchased and consumed alcoholic beverages, despite the prohibition of Mozambican legislation. The provinces of Tete (37.2%), Maputo (32.3%) and Zambézia (30.3%) have the highest prevalence of alcoholic beverages consumption and the province of Niassa (3.7%) has the lowest prevalence. Beer (46%) is the most consumed alcoholic beverage in Mozambique, followed by traditional alcoholic beverages (44%).


Science Publishing Group

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