1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology, Gazipur, Bangladesh
Natural fiber-reinforced composites are becoming a growing trend because of their affordability, sustainability, abundant natural source, and minimal environmental effect. It has also shown to be an effective replacement of synthetic fiber, particularly in the transportation and construction sectors as ceiling, paneling, partition etc. In this study the jute fiber (Hessian Cloth) reinforced (10% to 50% fiber content by weight) Polypropylene (PP) and Polyethylene (PE) composite were made by compression molding technique to understand the effect of fiber loading on mechanical properties of two different thermoplastic composite materials. For jute fabric-reinforced thermoplastic composites, it was discovered that with 30 % fiber loading with PP and PE yielded the best results. It was found that the mechanical properties of the composites enhanced significantly with 30 % fiber content with PP and PE thermoplastic matrixes in contrast to 10% and 20% fiber content composites. However, increasing the fiber content over 30%, dramatically decrease the mechanical properties of the composite samples. The relationship between Tensile Strength (TS), Bending Strength (BS), Impact Strength (IS) and Tensile Modulus (TM), Bending Modulus (BM) was examined, along with water resistance properties for both composites. Additionally, the jute-reinforced polypropylene (PP) composite showed superior mechanical capabilities compared to the jute-polyethylene (PE) composite. This suggests that it could be a suitable replacement for the toy manufacturing, home or garden furniture, automotive and interior construction industries in the future.