1. Fourier, J.B.J., Mémoire sur les températures su globe terrestre et des espaces planétaires par Joseph Fourier at: (academie-sciences.fr) (in French) available from: https://www.academie-sciences.fr/pdf/dossiers/Fourier/Fourier_pdf/Mem1827_p569_604.pdf (accessed 5 August 24)
2. Fourier, J. B. J., On the Temperatures of the Terrestrial Sphere and Interplanetary Space translated by R. T. Pierrehumbert (2004) Chicago, IL, USA available from: https://geosci.uchicago.edu/~rtp1/papers/Fourier1827Trans.pdf (accessed 3 August 24)
3. Burgess, E., 1837, "General Remarks on the Temperature of the Terrestrial Globe and the Planetary Spaces
4. by Baron Fourier.", American Journal of Science, Vol 32, pp. 1-20. Translation from the French, available from: https://burgess1837.geologist-1011.mobi/ (accessed 3 August 2024)
5. Pouillet, C. S., Memoir on solar heat, the radiative effects of the atmosphere, and the temperature of space, by Richard Taylor. Scientific Memoirs 4. (1846) London. Taylor and Francis. Pgs 44-90. English translation. available from: https://nsdl.library.cornell.edu/websites/wiki/index.php/PALE_ClassicArticles/archives/classic_articles/issue1_global_warming/n2-Poulliet_1837corrected.pdf (accessed 4 August 24)