An experimental study of the acute stage of subarachnoid hemorrhage


Kamiya Ken,Kuyama Hideyuki,Symon Lindsay


✓ A baboon model of subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) has been developed to study the changes in cerebral blood flow (CBF), intracranial pressure (ICP), and cerebral edema associated with the acute stage of SAH. In this model, hemorrhage was caused by avulsion of the posterior communicating artery via a periorbital approach, with the orbit sealed and ICP restored to normal before SAH was produced. Local CBF was measured in six sites in the two hemispheres, and ICP monitored by an implanted extradural transducer. Following sacrifice of the animal, the effect of the induced SAH on ICP, CBF, autoregulation, and CO2 reactivity in the two hemispheres was assessed. Brain water measurements were also made in areas of gray and white matter corresponding to areas of blood flow measurements, and also in the deep nuclei. Two principal patterns of ICP change were found following SAH; one group of animals showed a return to baseline ICP quite quickly and the other maintained high ICP for over an hour. The CBF was reduced after SAH to nearly 20% of control values in all areas, and all areas showed impaired autoregulation. Variable changes in CO2 reactivity were evident, but on the side of the hemorrhage CO2 reactivity was predominantly reduced. Differential increase in pressure lasting for over 7 minutes was evident soon after SAH on the side of the ruptured vessel. There was a significant increase of water in all areas, and in cortex and deep nuclei as compared to control animals.


Journal of Neurosurgery Publishing Group (JNSPG)







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