In vitro flexibility of the cervical spine after ventral uncoforaminotomy


Schmieder Kirsten1,Kettner Annette2,Brenke Christopher1,Harders Albrecht1,Pechlivanis Ioannis1,Wilke Hans-Joachim2


1. Department of Neurosurgery, Ruhr-University Bochum; and

2. Institute for Traumatological Research and Biomechanics, University of Ulm, Germany


Object Degenerative spine disorders are, in the majority of cases, treated with ventral discectomy followed by fusion (also known as anterior cervical discectomy and fusion). Currently, nonfusion strategies are gaining broader acceptance. The introduction of cervical disc prosthetic devices was a natural consequence of this development. Jho proposed anterior uncoforaminotomy as an alternative motion-preserving procedure at the cervical spine. The clinical results in the literature are controversial, with one focus of disagreement being the impact of the procedure on stability. The aim of this study was to address the changes in spinal stability after uncoforaminotomy. Methods Six spinal motion segments derived from three fresh-frozen human cervical spine specimens (C2–7) were tested. The donors were two men whose ages at death were 59 and 80 years and one woman whose age was 80 years. Bone mineral density in C-3 ranged from 155 to 175 mg/cm3. The lower part of the segment was rigidly fixed in the spine tester, whereas the upper part was fixed in gimbals with integrated stepper motors. Pure moment loads of ± 2.5 Nm were applied in flexion/extension, axial rotation, and lateral bending. For each specimen a load-deformation curve, the range of motion (ROM), and the neutral zone (NZ) for negative and positive directions of motion were calculated. Median, maximum, and minimum values were calculated for the six segments and normalized to the intact segment. Tests were done on the intact segment, after unilateral uncoforaminotomy, and after bilateral uncoforaminotomy. Results In lateral bending a strong increase in ROM and NZ was detectable after unilateral uncoforaminotomy on the right side. Overall, the ROM during flexion/extension was less influenced after uncoforaminotomy. The ROM and NZ during axial rotation to the left increased strongly after right unilateral uncoforaminotomy. Changes after bilateral uncoforaminotomy were marked during axial rotation to both sides. Conclusions Following unilateral uncoforaminotomy, a significant alteration in mobility of the segment is found, especially during lateral bending and axial rotation. The resulting increase in mobility is less pronounced during flexion and least evident on extension. Further investigations of the natural course of disc degeneration and the impact on mobility after uncoforaminotomy are needed.


Journal of Neurosurgery Publishing Group (JNSPG)


General Medicine

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