1. Department of Pediatric Neurosurgery, Dana Children’s Hospital, Tel Aviv Medical Center, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel;
2. Department of Neurosurgery and Pediatric Neurosurgery, University and Children’s Hospital of Basel, Switzerland;
3. Faculty of Medicine, University of Basel, Switzerland;
4. Division of Neurosurgery, Children’s National Medical Center, Washington, DC;
5. Department of Surgery, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee;
6. Department of Surgery, Connecticut Children’s, Hartford, Connecticut; and
7. Departments of Surgery and Pediatrics, UConn School of Medicine, Farmington, Connecticut
8. Department of Neurosurgery, Santobono-Pausilipon Children’s Hospital, Naples, Italy;
9. Institute of Neurosurgery, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan, Italy;
10. Pediatric Neurosurgery, Campus Virchow Klinikum, Charité Universitätsmedizin, Berlin, Germany;
11. Division of Pediatric Neurosurgery, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, Utah;
12. Department of Neurosurgery, VIMS and Park Clinic, Kolkata, India;