Major Harvey Cushing's difficulties with the British and American armies during World War I


Carey Michael E.


This historical review explores Harvey Cushing's difficulties with both the British and American armies during his World War I service to definitively examine the rumor of his possible court martial. It also provides a further understanding of Cushing the man. While in France during World War I, Cushing was initially assigned to British hospital units. This service began in May 1917 and ended abruptly in May 1918 when the British cashiered him for repeated censorship violations. Returning to American command, he feared court martial. The army file on this matter (retrieved from the United States National Archives) indicates that US Army authorities recommended that Cushing be reprimanded and returned to the US for his violations. The army carried out neither recommendation, and no evidence exists that a court martial was considered. Cushing's army career and possible future academic life were protected by the actions of his surgical peers and Merritte Ireland, Chief Surgeon of the US Army in France. After this censorship episode, Cushing was made a neurosurgical consultant but was also sternly warned that further rule violations would not be tolerated by the US Army. Thereafter, despite the onset of a severe peripheral neuropathy, probably Guillian Barré's syndrome, Cushing was indefatigable in ministering to neurosurgical needs in the US sector in France. Cushing's repeated defying of censorship regulations reveals poor judgment plus an initial inability to be a “team player.” The explanations he offered for his censorship violations showed an ability to bend the truth. Cushing's war journal is unclear as to exactly what transpired between him and the British and US armies. It also shows no recognition of the help he received from others who were instrumental in preventing his ignominious removal from service in France. Had that happened, his academic future and ability to train future neurosurgical leaders may have been seriously threatened. Cushing's foibles notwithstanding, all realized that he contributed greatly to both British and US war neurosurgery. United States Army surgeons who operated upon brain wounds in France recognized Cushing as their leader.


Journal of Neurosurgery Publishing Group (JNSPG)


Genetics,Animal Science and Zoology

Reference31 articles.

1. Bliss M: Harvey Cushing: A Life in Surgery Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2005. 344–345

2. Crutwell CRMF: A History of the Great War: 1914–1918 ed 2Chicago, Academy Chicago Publishers, 1991. 630, 631

3. Crutwell CRMF: A History of the Great War: 1914–1918 ed 2Chicago, Academy Chicago Publishers, 1991. 276

4. Crutwell CRMF: A History of the Great War: 1914–1918 ed 2Chicago, Academy Chicago Publishers, 1991. 268

5. Cushing H: From a Surgeon's Journal: 1915–1918 Boston, Little Brown and Co, 1936. 80

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