Fukushima Takanori,Sano Keiji
✓ A new modification of the transseptal, transsphenoidal approach to the sella turcica is described. The procedure consists of unilateral dissection of the septal mucosa through a sublabial route, and retraction of the entire nasal septum with its upper attachment as a hinge. For mobilization of the septum, an L-shaped osteotomy is made along the base of the septum and along the anterior wall of the sphenoid sinus. It provides adequate exposure of the sphenoid sinus while preserving the septal structures. The anterior nasal spine and the edges of the nares are also left intact. The anterior wall of the sphenoid sinus is resected en bloc and is used as a bone splint for the reconstruction of the sellar floor. This approach has been performed in 45 cases of pituitary adenoma, one of craniopharyngioma, and one with sphenoid mucocele. There was no instance of complications such as mucosal perforation, septal deformity, or infection. Modifications of the surgical instruments used are described.
Journal of Neurosurgery Publishing Group (JNSPG)
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28 articles.