Zur Herkunftsdebatte in der europäischen Runenforschung


Çayır ÇağılORCID


Since the beginning of runic studies in Scandinavia in the 16th century, there has been a debate about the origin of runic writing. But where does the debate come from? Has it always been pursued according to scientific standards? What are the sources and what is the current state of research? This study shows that the debate about the origin of the runic script is a feigned de-bate to suppress its source-based origin, which is called “divine” and “Turkish”. The reason for the discussion was the crusade propaganda against the Turks after 1453. Today, more recent comparative studies once again point to a close cultural-historical connection between the early Turks and the “Germanic tribes”. This opens up a new interdisciplinary field of research for English, German, Scandinavian and Turkish studies. At the same time, the previous prejudiced separation of cultures is no longer valid. This reveals a research perspective that is as revolu-tionary as it is promising.


Journal of Old Turkic Studies

Reference36 articles.

1. Abel-Remusat, J.-P. (1822). Inscriptiones Sibiriacæ. De antiquis quibusdam sculpturis et inscriptionibus in Sibiria repertis, scripsit Gr. Spassky. Petropoli. Journal des Savants, Oktober, 595-602.

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3. Beck, H. (2005). Snorri Sturlusons Konstruktion eines Vorzeitkönigtums. In Erkens, F. R. (Eds.), Das frühmittelalterliche Königtum. Ideelle und religiöse Grundlagen (pp. 125-139). Berlin & New York: Walter de Gruyter.

4. Borgolte, M. (2014). Europas Geschichten und Troia: Über die Zeit, als die Türken Verwandte der Lateiner und Griechen waren. In Borgolte, M. et al. (Eds.), Mittelalter in der größeren Welt. Essays zur Geschichtsschreibung und Beiträge zur Forschung (Europa im Mittelalter, 24) (pp. 211-227). Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.

5. Carli, C. (1785). Briefe über Amerika. Nach der neuesten, verbeßerten und mit dem dritten Theile vermehrten Ausgabe aus dem Italienischen des Hn. Grafen Carlo Carli übersetzt: Dritter Theil, in welchem Hn. Bailly’s Meynung in Absicht auf Plato’s Atlantis untersucht, und des Hn. Grafen von Buffon Hypothese von der allmählichen Erkaltung der Erde geprüft wird. Gera: C. F. Bekmann.








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