Cholangiocarcinoma tumor microenvironment highlighting fibrosis and matrix components


Caligiuri Alessandra,Parola Maurizio,Marra Fabio,Cannito Stefania,Gentilini Alessandra


Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is an extremely aggressive malignancy characterized by a very limited prognosis and scarce treatment options. The majority of patients are diagnosed at an advanced stage and do not qualify for potentially curative surgical treatments, making CCA an increasingly prevalent global challenge. CCA is characterized by a highly reactive desmoplastic stroma, with complex mechanisms underlying the mutual interactions between tumor cells and stromal compartment. This review focuses on the recent studies examining CCA’s biological features, with particular reference to the tumor reactive stroma (TRS) and its role in CCA progression, including matrix remodeling, angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis, metastasis, and immune evasion. After giving a panoramic view of the relationship between the tumoral and stromal compartment (cancer-associated fibroblast, CAFs and tumor-associated macrophages, TAMs), this review also discusses the current therapeutic approaches to counteract CAFs and TAMs effects on CCA progression.


OAE Publishing Inc.



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