The uniqueness of ABCB5 as a full transporter ABCB5FL and a half-transporter-like ABCB5β


Gerard Louise,Gillet Jean-PierreORCID


The ABCB5 gene encodes several isoforms, including two transporters (i.e., ABCB5FL, ABCB5β) and several soluble proteins, such as ABCB5α which has been hypothesized to have a regulatory function. ABCB5FL is a full ABC transporter and is expressed in the testis and prostate, whereas ABCB5β is an atypical half-transporter with a ubiquitous expression pattern. ABCB5β has been shown to mark cancer stem cells in several cancer types. In addition, ABCB5β and ABCB5FL have been shown to play a role in tumorigenesis and multidrug resistance. However, ABCB5β shares its entire protein sequence with ABCB5FL, making them difficult to distinguish. It cannot be excluded that some biological effects described for one transporter may be mediated by the other isoform. Therefore, it is difficult to interpret the available data and some controversies remain regarding their function in cancer cells. In this review, we discuss the data collected on ABCB5 isoforms over the last 20 years and propose a common ground on which we can build further to unravel the pathophysiological roles of ABCB5 transporters.


OAE Publishing Inc.







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