1. About.com. (1999). Chatting online.Retrieved December 20, 1999, from http://chatting.about.com/internet/chatting/mpchat.htm
2. America Online. (1999). AOL Instant Messenger Web chat rules and etiquette.Retrieved December 20, 1999, from http://www.aol.com/community/rules.html
3. Astrian.net. (2000).The Jargon Dictionary. Retrieved January 3, 2000, from http://info.astrian.net/jargon/terms/f/flame_war.html
4. Barker, R. G. & Wright, H. F. (1971). Midwest and its children. New York: Harper & Row. (Original work published 1955)
5. Bayer, J. (1998). Regeln fur Usenet und Mailinglisten.Retrieved February 7, 1998, from http://asrv.asam.baynet.de/asaminfo/regeln.htm