Affleck Glenn,Tennen Howard
Clinical Psychology,Developmental and Educational Psychology,Pediatrics, Perinatology, and Child Health
Reference51 articles.
1. Affleck, G , Allen, D , McGrade, B , (L McQueeney, M (1982a) Maternal caretaklng perceptions and mood d15turbance at hospltal discharge of a hlgh rlrL Infant and nlne months later Mental Retardatton 20, 220-225
2. \fflecL C. Allen D McGrade B , & McQueene\, M (1 982b) Maternal causal attrlbut~onsat hosp~tal dlccharge of h ~ g h r~sk Infants Amertcan Journal of Mental Dejictency, 8 6 , 575-580
3. 4fflecL G McGrade B Allen, D & McQueene, M (1985) Mothers behefs about behab~oral causes of the developmentallv dlsabled Infant s condrt~on What do they s ~ g n ~ f v + Journal of Pedzatrrc Psycholoo, 10, 293-303
4. Affleck, G , Tennen, H , Allen, D , & Gershman k (1986) Perceived soc~al support and maternal adaptatlon durlng the transltlon from hosp~tal to home care of hlgh r~sk Infants Infant Mental Health Journal, 7, 6- 1 8
5. 4ffleck G Tennen, H . Croog '3 & Lecine S (1 987) Causal attrrbut~on, percelved benefits, and morb~d~tv after a heart attack An e~ght-vear stud, " Journal of Consulttng and Clzntcal Psychology, 55, 29-35
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