1. h r t l e t t , A V , Orton, P , & Turner, M (1987) Day care homes T h e "stlent majorltv" of chlld day care In M T Osterholm, J 0 Kleln, S S Aronson, & L K P~ckerlng (Eds ), Infecttous dtseases tn chtld day care Management and prmentaon (pp 151-156) Ch~cago Un~verslty of Chlcago Press
2. Center Accredltatlon Project, Nat~onal Assoclatlon for the Education of Young Chlldren (1983) Three components of high quality earl, childhood programs Physical environment, health and safetk, and nutrltlon Young Chtldren, 51-56
3. Pediatricians' involvement in and attitudes toward child day care programs
4. Children with special needs in private day care centers