1. October1982. October 82 letter ballot vote results: 8 persons did not vote. Alternative 1 - 12 Alternative 2 - 1 Discussed at the Silver Spring meeting in Dac., 1982. Vote was: 13-0-0 with 2
2. Bouldin, B. (1989). Agents of change. Managtng the rntroductzon of automated tools Englewood Cliffs, NJ : Yourdon.
3. Burgess Yakemovic, KC, & Conklin, J . (1990). Report on a development project use of an issue-based information system. Proceedings of C S C W '90, 105-1 18. New York: ACM.
4. Conklin, J. (1989a). Design rationale and maintainability. Proceedings o j the 22nd Zntrmational Confsence on Sysdrm Sciences (Vol. 2, pp. 533-539). Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society Press.
5. Conklin, J. (1989b). Interisme dependencies m gIBIS (Tech. Rep. No. STP-091-89). Austin, TX: MCC.