1. Modes of resolution of belief dilemmas
2. Andrews, Kenneth R. T r d , Plunder, and Settkment. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1984.
3. "Anonymous Notes for the Guidance of Raleigh and Cavendish." The Roanoke Voyages 1584-1590. Ed. David Beers Quinn. New York: Dover, 1991. Vol. 1: 130-39.
4. Barlowe, Arthur. Discourse of the First Voyage. The Roanoke Voyages 1584-1 590. Ed. David Beers Quinn, 2 vols. London: Hakluyt Society. 1955. Vol. 1: 91-116.
5. Beeching, Jack, ed. Introduction. Voyages and Discoveries, Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1984. 9-29.