1. Alloy, L. B. & Clements, C. M. (1991, August). Hopelessness depression: A test of the symptom component in late adolescents. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco.
2. Alloy, L. B., Hartlage, S. & Abramson, L. Y. (1988). Testing the cognitive diathesis-stress theories of depression: Issues of research design, conceptualization, and assessment. In L. B. Alloy (Ed.), Cognitive processes in depression (pp. 31-73). New York: Guilford.
3. Alloy, L. B., Kayne, N. T., Romer, D. & Crocker, J. (1991). Predicting increases and decreases in depression: A test of the attributional diathesis-stress and causal mediation hypotheses of the reformulated helplessness theory. Manuscript submitted for publication.
4. Attributional style and the generality of learned helplessness.