1. Barker-Benfield, Ben. "Anne Hutchinson and the Puritan Attitude Toward Women." Bremer. 99-111.
2. Battis, Emery. Saints and Sectaries: Anne Hutchinson and the Antinomian Controversy in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1962.
3. Bell, Charles, ed. John Wheelwright: His Writings. Freeport, NY: Books for Libraries P, 1970.
4. Boaistuau, Pierre. Histoires prodigieuses, extraictes de plusieurs fameux autheurs, grecs & latins, sacrez & prophanes mises en nostre langue. 1566. Ed. Gisele Mathieu-Castellani. Paris: Editions Slatkine, 1996.
5. Bremer, Francis, ed. Anne Hutchinson: Troubler of the Puritan Zion. Huntington, NY: Krieger, 1981.