Play in Direct Practice in Preschools of Vojvodina / Igra u izravnoj praksi u vrtićima Vojvodine


Lazić Svetlana,Colić Vesna,Janković Milenko


The paper presents the research carried out in the school year 2018-19 in preschoolsof the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. The aim of the research was to assess therole of preschool teachers in supporting and enriching child’s play, gain insight intochildren’s actions in relation to it, as well as to ascertain the dominant perspectiveof the children and adults in the play. One hundred forty-five preschool teachershad been interviewed. The results have shown that teachers have had a shiftof focus in understanding child’s play and assessing its efficiency. Even thoughteachers in general see play as a free child’s activity, it has become apparent theyperceive it more as a learning method than a free child’s action. Play with rules wasintroduced to all age groups of children, including nursery. The play implementedin the research was assessed as successful, and the preschool teacher’s role was toguide or observe it. Even though the question of the relation in which the childenters and builds its own experiences is seen as an imperative in contemporaryeducational policies, teachers have stated that they are mostly focused on eithertheir own or the child's perspective. The research has confirmed the presence of atendency for didactisation of play and showed the need for new insights into thissignificant child's activity.Keywords: child; play; preschool teacher; relationship; perspective. - radu je prikazano istraživanje koje je provedeno u školskoj godini 2018./19. udječjim vrtićima na području Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine. Cilj je istraživanjaprocijeniti ulogu odgajatelja u podržavanju i obogaćivanju dječjih igara, uvid ustvaranje djece u odnosu na igru kao i percepciju dominantne perspektive djetetaili odrasle osobe u igri. Intervjuirano je 145 odgajatelja. Rezultati su pokazali da seodgajatelj usredotočio na razumijevanje dječje igre i procjenu njezine izvedbe. Iakoodgajatelji u načelu shvaćaju igru kao slobodnu dječju aktivnost, pokazalo se da jeona viđena kao metoda učenja, a ne kao slobodno dječje djelovanje. Uvodili su igrus pravilima u sve dobne skupine djece, uključujući jaslice. U procesu igre uspješno suocijenili svoju ulogu upravljanja i nadzora. Iako pitanje odnosa u koje dijete ulazii gradi vlastita iskustva vide kao imperativ u suvremenim odgojno-obrazovnimpolitikama, odgajatelji su izjavili da su uglavnom usmjereni ili na vlastitu ili nadječju perspektivu. Istraživanje je potvrdilo postojanje tendencije za didaktizacijuigre i otvorilo potrebu za novim spoznajama o ovoj značajnoj dječjoj aktivnosti.Ključne riječi: dijete; igra; odgajatelj; odnos; perspektiva.


Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb









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