Emergency Remote Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Spring 2020: Parents’ Perspective / Izvanredno obrazovanje na daljinu tijekom pandemije COVID-19 u proljeće 2020: roditeljska perspektiva


Drvodelic Maja,Domović Vlatka,Pažur Monika


In the spring of 2020, due to the global COVID-19 pandemic caused by the coronavirus, education systems around the world introduced a new form of education called Emergency Remote Education - ERE. Given that parents are important stakeholders in the educational process, their perspective of the new situation can contribute to a better understanding of the educational process that takes place in incident situations. The main aim of the research was to determine how parents of students attending the first four grades of primary school perceive ERE. The research was conducted online in the time of the national lockdown in the spring of 2020. The results indicate that parents have a positive perception of the teacher’s work. Furthermore, parents point out that ERE brings new requirements related to the level of parental involvement in their children's learning process, which creates additional stress and disrupts the daily business performance and family responsibilities and assigns them with a new role of parents as teachers. One third of the parents think that the child gets too many tasks and that ERE is too demanding. Parental overload with ERE, and their perception of child overload with ERE is significantly related to the educational level of the parent, to the parental work status and to the degree of children's independence. The findings of the research lead to a better understanding of the parental role in ERE during the pandemic and can serve as a starting point for the development of a parental support system during new emergency situations.Key words: children; COVID-19 pandemic; Emergency Remote Education; parents' perspective; primary school --- U proljeće 2020. godine, zbog globalne pandemije uzrokovane koronavirusom, obrazovni sustavi u cijelome svijetu uveli su novi oblik obrazovanja nazvan „izvanredno obrazovanje na daljinu – IOD” (eng. Emergency Remote Education). S obzirom na to da su roditelji važni dionici obrazovnoga procesa, njihova perspektiva novonastale situacije važna je za bolje razumijevanje obrazovnoga procesa koji se odvija u incidentnim situacijama. Stoga je temeljni cilj ovoga istraživanja bio utvrditi percepciju IOD roditelja učenika od prvog do četvrtog razreda osnovne škole. Istraživanje je provedeno online tijekom nacionalnoga lockdowna u proljeće 2020. Rezultati ukazuju da roditelji najpozitivnije procjenjuju angažman učiteljice. Nadalje, roditelji ističu da IOD donosi nove zahtjeve vezane za razinu roditeljskoga uključivanja u proces učenja njihove djece što kod njih stvara dodatan stres i remeti svakodnevno izvršavanje poslovnih i obiteljskih obaveza te ih stavlja u novu ulogu roditelja kao učitelja. Trećina roditelja smatra kako dijete dobiva previše zadataka i da je IOD prezahtjevno. Opterećenost roditelja IOD kao i način na koji roditelji percipiraju opterećenost djece IOD značajno je povezano sa stupnjem obrazovanja roditelja, s roditeljskim radnim statusom i sa stupnjem dječje samostalnosti. Nalazi ovoga istraživanja vode boljem razumijevanju roditeljske uloge u IOD tijekom pandemije te mogu poslužiti kao podloga za razvoj sustava podrške roditeljima u mogućim novim incidentnim situacijama.Ključne riječi: djeca; izvanredno obrazovanje na daljinu; pandemija COVID-19; primarno obrazovanje; roditeljska perspektiva


Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb










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