Mathematics Anxiety and the Influencing Factors among Junior High School Students in Yogyakarta, Indonesia / Matematička tjeskoba i faktori utjecaja među učenicima niže srednje škole u Yogyakarti u Indoneziji
Container-title:Croatian Journal of Education - Hrvatski časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje
Short-container-title:Croatian Journal of Education
Prahmana Rully Charitas Indra,Sutanti Tri,Diponegoro Ahmad Muhammad
Over the past decade, several researchers have documented the results of their research on the connection between mathematics anxiety and poor mathematical abilities of students. Therefore, the study of mathematical anxiety and its causal factors becomes an important research area. This study aims to determine the level of mathematics anxiety and the influencing factors among junior high school students in Yogyakarta. It is a descriptive study with quantitative data about mathematics anxiety in junior high schools in Yogyakarta. With the use of random sampling technique, 2163 students from 44 public and private schools in Yogyakarta were chosen to participate in the study. A mathematics anxiety scale and a questionnaire of factors influencing mathematics anxiety were utilized in the study. The data were analysed using descriptive statistical analysis and the findings indicate mathematics anxiety of junior high school students in Yogyakarta is manifested mostly in cognitive symptoms. The most significant factor influencing students' mathematics anxiety is home, i.e. interactions with parents and siblings, and the second factor is the classroom. Collaboration between various school stakeholders is required to reduce students’ mathematics anxiety.Key words: collaborative counselling; junior high school students; mathematics anxiety; mathematics anxiety factors. --- Tijekom prošloga desetljeća nekoliko je istraživača dokumentiralo rezultate svojih istraživanja veze između matematičke tjeskobe i slabih matematičkih sposobnosti učenika. Stoga proučavanje matematičke anksioznosti i njezinih uzročnika postaje važno područje istraživanja. U ovoj studiji nastojali smo utvrditi razinu matematičke tjeskobe i faktore utjecaja među učenicima nižih srednjih škola u Yogyakarti u Indoneziji. Istraživanje je zasnovana na deskriptivnom istraživačkom modelu s kvantitativnim podatcima o matematičkoj anksioznosti učenika u nižim srednjim školama u Yogyakarti. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 2163 učenika iz 44 državne i privatne škole u Yogyakarti. Ovi su ispitanici odabrani tehnikom nasumičnoga uzorkovanja, a podatci su analizirani metodama deskriptivne statistike. Rezultati pokazuju da se matematička tjeskoba učenika niže srednje škole očituje većinom kognitivnim simptomima. Najznačajniji faktor koji utječe na matematičku tjeskobu je dom, tj. interakcije s roditeljima te braćom i sestrama, a drugi čimbenik je razred. Nužna je suradnja raznih relevantnih aktera u školama kako bi se smanjila matematička anksioznost učenika. Ključne riječi: faktori matematičke tjeskobe; matematička tjeskoba; suradničko savjetovanje; učenici niže srednje škole.
Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb
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