Analysis of Quantitative Changes of the High School Students Morphological-Motor Characteristics under the Impact of Regular Physical Education Classes


Bajrić Senad,Bajrić Osmo,Srdić Velibor,Bašinac Ismet


The research was conducted on a sample including 166 participants - students of 'Combined Technical High School" of male sex from Travnik, who attended physical education classes regularly during the school year. In the research five variables were used to assess morphological status and nine variables to assess motor status of the participants according to the Eurofit Fitness Test Battery. The main aim of the research was to determine quantitative changes in morphological and motor status of secondary school students during one school year under the impact of programme content of regular physical education classes through a longitudinal study. Quantitative changes in morphological and motor status and analysis of differences between the initial and final measurements were determined by analysis of changes under the model of differences and SSDIF analysis (Bonacin, 2004). A hypothetical measurement matrix was defined by projecting the measurement data, and explicating a set of linear shifts on the association matrix resulted in obtaining structural vector describing quantitative changes, while taking into account relations of the initial variables. Results of the SSDIF analysis indicate that a one-year curriculum of physical education has caused statistically significant changes at global level (p = 0.0000) in both investigated areas, but the changes that have occurred are mild and without dramatic changes. Significant quantitative changes in the motor space occurred in body height and weight, and in the triceps skinfold, as well as in the following variables in the motor space: running 105 m (sideways), lifting the trunk from the lying on back position and the hand dynamometry, and the biggest and most statistically significant global quantitative changes occurred in the 20 m test run sideways with progressive acceleration (ATL20 0.8439). Key words: quantitative changes, morphological characteristics, motor skills, Physical and Health Culture Analiza kvantitativnih promjena morfoloko-motoričkih obilježja učenika srednje kole pod uticajem redovne nastave tjelesnog odgoja Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku ispitanika koji je obuhvatio 166 ispitanika - učenika Mjeovite srednje tehničke kole mukog spola iz Travnika koji su u toku kolske godine redovno pohađali nastavu tjelesnog odgoja. U istraživanju je primijenjeno 5 varijabli za procjenu morfolokog statusa i 9 varijabli za procjenu motoričkog statusa ispitanika prema programu Eurofit baterije testova. Osnovni cilj istraživanja bio je da se longitudinalnom studijom u trajanju jedne kolske godine utvrde kvantitativne promjene morfolokog i motoričkog statusa učenika srednje kole pod utjecajem programskih sadržaja redovne nastave tjelesnog odgoja. Kvantitativne promjene morfolokog i motoričkog statusa i analiza razlika između inicijalnog i finalnog mjerenja utvrđeni su analizom promjena pod modelom razlika i SSDIF analizom (Bonacin, 2004). Projekcijom podataka mjerenja definisana je hipotetska matrica mjerenja, a eksplikacijom skupa linearnih pomaka na matricu asocijacije dolazi se do strukturnog vektora koji opisuje kvantitativne promjene, uvažavajući relacije inicijalnih varijabli. Rezultati SSDIF analize ukazuju da je jednogodinji nastavni program tjelesnog odgoja izazvao statistički značajne promjene na globalnom nivou (p = 0.0000) u oba istraživana prostora, ali su nastale promjene blage i bez dramatičnih promjena. Do statistički značajnih kvantitativnih promjena u motoričkom prostoru dolo je u tjelesnoj visini i težini, te kožnom naboru tricepsa, a u motoričkom prostoru u varijablama: trčanje 105 m (tamo-ovamo), dizanje trupa iz ležanja na leđima i dinamometrija ake, a najveće i statistički najznačajnije globalne kvantitativne promjene desile su se u testu trčanje na 20 m tamo - ovamo sa progresivnim ubrzavanjem (ATL20 0.8439). Ključne riječi: kvantitativne promjene, morfoloke odlike, motoričke spsosobnosti, tjelesna i zdravstvena kultura


Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb









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