Pedagogical Semiotics of Space/Pedagoška semiotika prostora


Marojević Jovana


AbstractIn this paper, we deal with the consideration of space as materiality and space as a process in the broader context of childhood studies and, more specifically, in the context of school pedagogy. We outline the question of the material construction of childhood (in childhood geographies and geographies of education). Then, we consider the relationship between space and pedagogy, that is, the material aspect of learning, on an explicit level, presenting findings on the share of spatial components in student achievement. The central consideration in the paper is devoted to the concept of innovative learning environments (ILE) and its spatial requirements, especially to the renaissance of open school plans based on that concept. Furthermore, we deal with the issue of spatial mediation of power relations in open-plan schools but also in traditional corridor-type schools (“cells and bells” schools) and with the idea of shaping the identity of students and teachers through these processes. We conclude the paper with a brief review of the neoliberal nature of the concept of ILE and with recommendations on considering the space and environment for learning through the paradigms of critical pedagogy of place and common world pedagogiesKey words: innovative learning environments (ILE); material construction ofchildhood; open space school plans---SažetakU radu se govori o razmatranju prostora kao materijalnosti i prostora kao procesa, u širem kontekstu studija o djetinjstvu, a konkretnije u kontekstu školske pedagogije. Skiciramo pitanje materijalne konstrukcije djetinjstva (u geografijama djetinjstva i geografijama obrazovanja). Potom se analizira odnos prostora i pedagogije, odnosno materijalne dimenzije učenja, na eksplicitnoj ravni, dajući prikaz nalaza o udjelu prostornih komponenti u učeničkom postignuću. Središnje razmatranje u radu usredtočeno je na koncept inovativnih okružja za učenje (ILE) i njegovim prostornim zahtjevima te naročito renesansi otvorenih planova škola zasnovanoj na tom konceptu. Nadalje, govori se o pitanju prostornoga posredovanja odnosa moći u školama otvorenoga, ali i tradicionalnog koridor-tipa („cells and bells“ škole) te oblikovanjem identiteta učenika i nastavnika tim procesima. U zaključnom dijelu donosi se kratki osvrt na neoliberalnu prirodu koncepta ILE-a i preporukama o razmatranju prostora i okružja za učenje kroz paradigme kritičke pedagogije mjesta i pedagogijâ zajedničkoga svijeta.Ključne riječi: inovativna okružja za učenje (ILE); materijalna konstrukcija djetinjstva; otvoreni planovi škola 


Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb







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