Repetitive Movement Timing of Preschool Children and Young Adults Assessed by the Wing- Kristofferson Model/Tajming repetitivnih pokreta predškolske djece i mladih odraslih osoba procijenjen prema Wing-Kristoffersonovu modelu


Šerbetar Ivan,Petanjek Zdravko,Zarevski Predrag


AbstractSynchronization of movement with the external pacing stimuli by use of finger tapping is a widely used paradigm for assessing the accuracy of timekeeping and repetitive motor timing. In the current study, developmental differences in repetitive movement timing between preschool children and young adults were assessed. The study showed that the length of the interresponse intervals (IRI) of children was significantly shorter than IRI’s of adults, and significantly more variable. The use of Wing-Kristofferson model allowed the separation of overall variability into motor and clock components. In both groups clock-related variability was larger than the motor-related one, and again, children variance components were both significantly higher than those of young adults. The observed differences in timing accuracy, detected at the central level, were explained in light of the development of cognitive processes, especially attention, but they are likely connected to the other motor control factors such as error correction and possible use of feedback.Key words: age-related differences, motor timing, sensory-motor synchronisation, tapping, young children, W-K model.---SažetakSinkronizacija pokreta s vanjskim ritmičkim podražajima uz uporabu tapinga prstima naširoko je korištena paradigma za procjenu točnosti procjenjivanja vremena i repetitivnoga motoričkog tajminga. U ovom radu procijenjene su razvojne razlike između predškolske djece i mladih odraslih osoba u repetitivnom motoričkom tajmingu. Pokazalo se da je duljina intervala između odgovora (IRI) djece značajno kraća od IRI-a odraslih te da je varijabilnost značajno veća. Uporaba WingKristoffersonova modela (WK) motoričkoga tajminga omogućila je razdvajanje ukupne varijabilnosti na motoričku komponentu i komponentu sata. Varijabilitet povezan sa satom u obje skupine bio je veći od varijabiliteta povezanoga s motoričkom komponentom, a komponente varijance kod djece i ovdje su bile značajno veće nego kod mladih odraslih osoba. Uočene razlike u točnosti procjenjivanja vremenskih intervala, otkrivene na središnjoj razini, objašnjene su u svjetlu razvoja kognitivnih procesa, posebno pažnje, ali su vjerojatno povezane i s čimbenicima motoričke kontrole poput ispravljanja pogrešaka i mogućega korištenja povratne informacije.Ključne riječi: dobne razlike, motorički tajming, predškolska djeca, senzornomotorička sinhronizacija, taping, W-K model 


Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb







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