AbstractHow well-prepared preschool teachers are to teach kindergarten music activities largely depends on their previous music education (formal and informal), their personal affinities, attitudes towards music, and the amount and quality of music education accessible to university students. The majority of students enrolled in Faculties of Teacher Education have had very little or no musical experience before their studies. Hence, the quality of music education plays a key role in the formation of a musically competent preschool teacher. In this sense, this research aimed to determine how students of Early and Preschool Education (EPE) from one location Department of the Faculty of Teacher Education in Zagreb, assess the quality of music lessons and their readiness to conduct music activities in kindergarten. This research also sought to discover if there was a connection between those two categories and differences within them regarding demographic characteristics. For the purposes of this research, two instruments were constructed: the Scale of the Quality of Music Education and the Scale of Opinions about One’s Readiness to Conduct Kindergarten Music Activities. Descriptive analysis has showned that EPE students estimate the quality of music lessons as very high, including their own readiness to conduct music activities in kindergarten. Students with prior music education more positively assess their readiness to conduct music activities in kindergarten than students without such education, and part-time students also estimate their readiness as higher than full-time students. A significant difference was also discovered in the assessment of the quality of music education in EPE studies, which was most positively assessed by senior (third year) students, while no such difference was observed when comparing full-time and part-time students.Keywords: early and preschool education; teaching quality; music activities; preschool teachers; readiness.---SažetakKoliko će odgojitelj biti spreman za provođenje glazbenih aktivnosti u vrtiću, uvelike ovisi o njegovu prethodnu glazbenom obrazovanju (formalnom i neformalnom), osobnim afinitetima, stavovima o glazbi te količini i kvaliteti glazbenoga obrazovanja koje student ima na obrazovnom fakultetu. Većina studenata koja polaze obrazovne fakultete, imaju vrlo mala ili nikakva glazbena iskustva prije studija pa će upravo kvaliteta glazbenoga obrazovanja odigrati ključnu ulogu u formiranju glazbeno kompetentnoga odgojitelja. U tom smislu, ovim istraživanjem željelo se utvrditi kako studenti ranoga i predškolskog odgoja, jednoga lokacijskog odsjeka Učiteljskog fakulteta u Zagrebu, procjenjuju kvalitetu nastave glazbe i vlastitu spremnost za provođenje glazbenih aktivnosti u vrtiću. Također, željelo se otkriti postoji li povezanost između ovih dviju kategorija kao i razlike unutar istih s obzirom na demografska obilježja. Za potrebe ovoga istraživanja konstruirana su dva instrument: Skala kvalitete glazbenoga obrazovanja i Skala mišljenja o spremnosti provođenja glazbenih aktivnosti u vrtiću. Deskriptivna analiza pokazala je da studenti ranoga i predškolskoga studija vrlo visokom procjenjuju kvalitetu nastave glazbe i vlastitu spremnost za provođenje glazbenih aktivnosti u vrtiću. Studenti s prethodnim glazbenim obrazovanjem pozitivnije procjenjuju spremnost za provođenje glazbenih aktivnosti u vrtiću od studenata koji takvo obrazovanje nemaju, a veću spremnost procjenjuju i studenti izvanrednoga studija u odnosu na one koji polaze redovni studij. Značajna razlika otkrivena je i u procjeni kvalitete glazbenoga obrazovanja na studiju koju su najpozitivnije procijenili studenti završnih godina (3. godina) dok između studenata redovnoga i izvanrednoga studija nema takve razlike. Ključne riječi: glazbene aktivnosti; kvaliteta nastave; odgojitelji; rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje; spremnost.
Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb