Student Perceptions of Research Work in Geography Teaching: Motivation, Difficulties, and Values/Učenička percepcija istraživačkoga rada u nastavi geografije: motivacija, teškoće i vrijednosti


Mak KarloORCID,Ivić Ivan


AbstractWith the recent reform of the Geography curriculum in Croatia, the learning outcomes related to the research work have become one of the most important innovations. The first insight into the degree of achievement of these learning outcomes in the first years of their application has shown difficulties in data collection, processing, and analysis, as well as in proper citation and bibliography writing, while the overall degree of the learning outcomes achievement indicates that there is room for improvement. With the aim of gaining a more comprehensive insight into the student perceptions, students in Antun Gustav Matoš Grammar School in Samobor, whose work was analyzed in the study by Ivić et al. (2021), were interviewed. Although the results indicate relatively low levels of motivation and negative perceptions of the creation process, students’ perceptions of the research as a very useful teaching practice provide a solid foundation for its further application.Key words: geography teaching; research work; students’ motivation; students’ perception.---SažetakOdgojno-obrazovni ishodi koji pred učenike stavljaju izazov izrade istraživačkoga rada predstavljaju jednu od najvećih novina novoga predmetnog kurikula Geografije. Inicijalni uvid u razinu ostvarenosti tih ishoda nakon prvih godina njihove primjene pokazao je da postoji značajan prostor za daljnji napredak jer su detektirane poteškoće u prikupljanju, obradi i analizi podataka, kao i pravilnom citiranju i sastavljanju popisa literature. S ciljem dobivanja uvida u učeničku percepciju istraživačkoga rada, intervjuirani su učenici Gimnazije Antuna Gustava Matoša u Samoboru čiji su istraživački radovi analizirani u studiji Ivića i sur. (2021). Iako rezultati upućuju na relativno nisku razinu motivacije i pretežito negativnu percepciju procesa izrade istraživačkoga rada, učenička percepcija istraživanja kao vrlo korisne nastavne prakse daju dobru osnovu za njegovo usavršavanje i daljnju primjenu.Ključne riječi: istraživački rad; nastava geografije; učenička motivacija; učenička percepcija.


Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb







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