Teaching Methodology Approach to Writing a Therapeutic Fairy Tale: Implications for Preschool Teacher Education / Metodički pristup pisanju terapijske bajke: implikacije za obrazovanje budućih odgajatelja


Šindić Aleksandra,Pribišev Beleslin Tamara,Lepičnik Vodopivec Jurka,Baloh Barbara


Qualitative research involving 36 students of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Banja Luka and the Faculty of Education of the University of Primorska was conducted in 2020 with the aim of examining the elements of university teaching methodology in the context of students’ situational learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. An introspective written interview was applied in the study, based on the assumptions of developmental research and an interpretive approach. By applying a thematic content analysis, three interrelated categories were identified (an emotional component of the teaching methodology approach; students’ engagement and the teaching methodology elements in the context of the wider community; the teaching methodology elements in the students’ literary activities), with the emotional component as the most dominant. Research results point to the need of focusing more attention to the emotional dimension of the students’ learning process, as well as their willingness to act in the community by taking on a more active role within the contextualized and constructivist-based university teaching methodology model.Key words: contextualized teaching; COVID-19; preschool teachers’ competencies; situational learning; therapeutic fairy tales for children. --- Kvalitativno istraživanje u kojem je sudjelovalo 36 studenata Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Banjoj Luci i Pedagoškog fakulteta Sveučilišta Primorska provedeno je 2020. godine, a cilj mu je bio ispitati metodičke elemente nastave u kontekstu situacijskoga učenja studenata tijekom pandemije COVID 19. U studiji, zasnovanoj na idejama o razvojnim istraživanjima i na interpretativnom pristupu, primijenjen je introspektivni pisani intervju i putem tematske analize sadržaja izdvojene su tri ključne, međusobno povezane kategorije (emocionalna komponenta metodičkoga pristupa, angažman studenata i metodički elementi u kontekstu šire zajednice; metodički elementi u književnim aktivnostima studenata), od kojih se emocionalna komponenta prikazala najdominantnijom. Implikacije istraživanja ukazuju na potrebu da se više pozornosti posveti emocionalnoj dimenziji procesa učenja studenata, kao i njihovoj potrebi za djelovanjem u zajednici preuzimajući aktivniju ulogu uz pomoć kontekstualiziranoga, konstruktivističkoga metodičkoga modela sveučilišne nastave.Ključne riječi: COVID 19; kompetencije odgajatelja; kontekstualizirana nastava; situacijsko učenje; terapijske bajke za djecu.


Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb










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