SummaryEducational systems and forms of knowledge testing and adapting the exam technology in external evaluation exams for students with disabilities differ in European countries. This topic is still not sufficiently scientifically researched in Croatia. The paper analyses the specifics of secondary education of students with disabilities in the Croatian education system with regard to the realisation of the right to equal educational opportunities and to the achieved results in the state graduation exams in the period of four school years, i.e., 2016/2017 to 2020/2021. The analysis aims to determine the level of academic success of students with disabilities compared to the academic success of the general population of Croatian high school students, according to the results achieved in the state graduation exams. The analysed results were achieved in compulsory exams in the summer terms of the state graduation in the period of four school years, i.e., 2016/2017 to 2020/2021. The results point to two conclusions. The first is that regular high school programs, despite continuous improvements, are still not sufficiently accessible to students with disabilities, and the second is that a disability does not in any way limit the success of the student’s education if they are provided with an individualised approach.Keywords: state graduation exam; inclusive education; adapted examination technology; secondary education; students with disabilities.---SažetakObrazovni sustavi te oblici provjeravanja znanja i prilagodbe ispitne tehnologije u ispitima vanjskoga vrednovanja za učenike s teškoćama razlikuju se u europskim zemljama. Ova tema u Hrvatskoj još uvijek nije dovoljno znanstveno istražena. U radu se analiziraju specifičnosti srednjoškolskoga obrazovanja učenika s teškoćama u hrvatskome obrazovnom sustavu s obzirom na ostvarivanje prava na jednake obrazovne mogućnosti i s obzirom na ostvarene rezultate u ispitima državne mature od 2016./2017. do 2020./2021. školske godine. Cilj je analize prema rezultatima ostvarenima u ispitima državne mature ustanoviti uspješnost obrazovanja učenika s teškoćama u usporedbi s uspješnosti obrazovanja opće populacije hrvatskih srednjoškolaca. Analizirani rezultati postignuti su u obveznim ispitima u ljetnim rokovima državne mature od 2016./2017. do 2020./2021. školske godine. Rezultati upućuju na dva zaključka. Prvi je da redovni srednjoškolski programi, unatoč kontinuiranim poboljšanjima, još uvijek nisu dovoljno dostupni učenicima s teškoćama, a drugi je da teškoća ni na koji način ne ograničava uspješnost obrazovanja učenika ako im se omogući individualiziran pristup.Ključne riječi: državna matura; inkluzivno obrazovanje; prilagodba ispitne tehnologije; srednjoškolsko obrazovanje; učenici s teškoćama.
Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb