Acupuncture in prevention, treatment of injuries and improvement of performance in athletes: Literature review


Junior Julio Cesar Dias


Studies have shown that acupuncture improves physical performance in professional athletes, but the big problem is sports injuries, which can leave them away from activities for long periods. The study conducted a literature review, seeking the efficacy of the technique in the prevention, improvement of performance and in the treatment of lesions. Some authors exemplify and clarify the process of pain neurophysiology and the way in which acupuncture can intervene in this problem, others, develop and apply protocols to achieve an improvement in performance, treatment of diseases and prevention of Injury. Among the results were found eighty-nine articles on the subject, where: twenty two reported the treatment of lesions and thirty-seven the prevention and improvement of athletic performance, directing the application once in the week, of 20 – 30 minutes, presenting satisfactory results for the analyzed data. Based on this literature and evidence-based practice it can be concluded that acupuncture is a great intervention to achieve these goals within the area of sport.


Revista Cientifica Multidisciplinar Nucleo Do Conhecimento

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