Analysis of Organic Aerosols Using a Micro-Orifice Volatilization Impactor Coupled to an Atmospheric-Pressure Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer


Brüggemann Martin1,Vogel Alexander Lucas1,Hoffmann Thorsten1


1. Institute of Inorganic Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, 55128 Mainz, Germany


We present the development and characterization of a combination of a micro-orifice volatilization impactor (MOVI) and an ion trap mass spectrometer (IT/MS) with an atmospheric-pressure chemical ionization (APCI) source. The MOVI is a multi-jet impactor with 100 nozzles, allowing the collection of aerosol particles by inertial impaction on a deposition plate. The pressure drop behind the nozzles is approximately 5%, resulting in a pressure of 96 kPa on the collection surface for ambient pressures of 101.3 kPa. The cut-point diameter (diameter of 50% collection efficiency) is at 0.13 μm for a sampling flow rate of 10 L min–1. After the collection step, aerosol particles are evaporated by heating the impaction surface and transferred into the APCI-IT/MS for detection of the analytes. APCI was used in the negative ion mode to detect predominantly mono- and dicarboxylic acids, which are major oxidation products of biogenic terpenes. The MOVI-APCI-IT/MS instrument was used for the analysis of laboratory-generated secondary organic aerosol (SOA), which was generated by ozonolysis of α-pinene in a 100 L continuous-flow reactor under dark and dry conditions. The combination of the MOVI with an APCI-IT/MS improved the detection limits for small dicarboxylic acids, such as pinic acid, compared to online measurements by APCI-IT/MS. The limits of detection and quantification for pinic acid were determined by external calibration to 4.4 ng and 13.2 ng, respectively. During a field campaign in the southern Rocky Mountains (USA) in summer 2011 (BEACHON-RoMBAS), the MOVI-APCI-IT/MS was applied for the analysis of ambient organic aerosols and the quantification of individual biogenic SOA marker compounds. Based on a measurement frequency of approximately 5 h, a diurnal cycle for pinic acid in the sampled aerosol particles was found with maximum concentrations at night (median: 10.1 ng m−3) and minimum concentrations during the day (median: 8.2 ng m−3), which is likely due to the partitioning behavior of pinic acid and the changing phase state of the organic aerosol particles with changing relative humidity.


SAGE Publications


Spectroscopy,Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics,General Medicine







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