Which is more valuable in the follow-up and evaluation of stable COPD cases; CRP or Eosinophil or Leukocyte?


BOZKURT Nurgül1,BOZKURT Ali İhsan2





Objective:COPD(Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) is a disease characterized by chronic inflammation with exacerbations.It is known that inflammatory markers such as CRP(C-reactive protein), eosinophils and leukocytes can be variable in exacerbations of COPD and should be followed-up.In this study,the relationships of CRP, eosinophil, leukocyte levels with the number of exacerbations/prognosis were investigated in COPDpatients. Methods:Data from stable COPD patients were analyzed in the study. CRP, eosinophil and leukocyte levels were measured. PFT was performed, CAT(COPD Assesment Test), m-MRC(Modified Medical Research Council) scores were calculated. The relationships between the number of exacerbations, CAT and m-MRC scores and CRP, eosinophil and leukocyte levels of the patients were evaluated. Correlation analysis, ANOVA and X2 tests were used in the analyses. Results:The mean age of the stable 151 COPD patients was 66.1 years and 84.8% were male. The annual number of exacerbations is 1.9±5.1. Eosinophil level was found to be high in 9.9% of cases, this rate was 4.7% for CRP. Leukocyte level was found to be high in 20.5% of cases. The correlations between the CRP,eosinophil and leukocyte levels and the m-MRC, CAT score, GOLD(Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease) classification, the number of exacerbations were examined. There was no significant correlation between CRP and eosinophil levels and these parameters. Positively, significant correlation was found between leukocyte level and both m-MRC, CAT scores and number of exacerbations. Similarly, it was found that the proportion of patients with "high leukocyte levels" increased in patients with high number of exacerbations, m-MRC and CAT scores(p


Akdeniz University

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