The Effect of Social Isolation on Nutritional Habits, Diet Quality, Lifestyle Changes and Obesity in Children in the Covid-19 Pandemic




1. Akdeniz Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi


Aim: This cross-sectional study aimed to evaluate the effects of social isolation on children's nutritional habits, diet quality, lifestyle changes, and obesity during the Covid-19 pandemic. Material and methods: This study was conducted on 222 (110 boys and 112 girls) children and adolescents aged 6-18 years who were forced to quarantine themselves at home. A web-based survey was used to obtain study data. Children and adolescents were asked about their demographic characteristics, eating habits, the Mediterranean Diet Quality Index (KIDMED), sleep duration, screen time, physical activity status and anthropometric measurements (body weight and height). Results: It was found that children's screen time and sleep duration increased in both gender and percentage of doing physical activity decreased during the pandemic. Body weight and body mass index of children increased mean 1.5±2.21 kg and 0.6±0.91 kg/m2 respectively. The mean KIDMED score of children was 6.4±2.37 and more than half of children complianced with Mediterranean diet moderately during the pandemi period. It was determined that children consumed more snacks (sweet and salty), dessert and pastry products than before the pandemic period, but some healthy eating habits such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, and oilseed consumption increased during the pandemic. Conclusion: Children’s increased weight gain, changed eating habits and physical activity may be associated with increased the time spent at home due to social isolation during the pandemic period. For this reason, frequent monitoring and evaluation of the nutritional status of children during the Covid-19 lockdown is very important for public health authorities to make future policies on children’s nutritional recommendations when new pandemics arrive and lockdown policies are implemented.


Akdeniz University

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1. Parental Anxiety and Children's Mediterranean Diet Quality Index during the COVID-19 pandemic;Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi;2023-08-31







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