Main problems in the operation of metal gas discharge pipes


Nuguzhinov ZmagulORCID,Tokanov DaniyarORCID,Rakhimov AshatORCID,Nurzhigit AlmasORCID


This paper considers the main problems of operation of metal gas discharge pipes on the example of research and survey work on the examination of building structures of the exhaust tower with three gas discharge trunks 180 m high, flue gas purification unit of the sintering shop of LLP "NDFZ" in Zhambyl region. Analysis of the actual technical condition, considered in this article exhaust tower with three gas discharge shafts, according to the results of the survey, its volume-planning and structural solutions, showed its generally unrepairable, due to the mass of characteristic critical and unacceptable damage to the load-bearing elements of the frame, physical fatigue of materials, significant corrosion wear of metal structures, which will require a significant amount of proposed repair and maintenance work to eliminate them. The conducted complex of researches has shown that the service life of chimneys built before the 1960s and after has practically expired. Repair or reconstruction of chimneys using previously mastered technologies and materials does not solve the issues of reliability improvement. Rational solutions to these problems are periodic technical expertise by highly specialized organizations and implementation on its basis of methods of overhaul of both gas-exhausting trunks and building structures and interface units, wide implementation of which will solve the problem of extending the life of chimneys.



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