Ordóñez Jose Manuel Bautista,Nunes Maria Alzira de Araújo
Tubular structural systems appear in many industrial applications, such as heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems, which are responsible for making any enclosed environment remain within a temperature, humidity, and cleanliness range. This kind of system has its applications in the internal environmental comfort of industrial spaces, buildings, and vehicles. Several of these spaces have industrial processes that generate high sound frequencies and mechanical vibrations that need to be adequately controlled to meet both environmental and health norms. With the intention to analyze the structural vibration of tubular systems, the modal analysis technique is a classical methodology for the extraction of natural frequencies and vibration modes. Among the various techniques of modal analysis, numerical methodologies such as the finite element method, and also analytical methodologies such as the Component Mode Synthesis (CMS) can be found. CMS is one of the leading modeling tools for complex systems that are applied to large systems. The method uses a modal superset and consists of separately modeling individual components of a structure and coupling them into a single system. The objective of this work is to demonstrate the application of the CMS technique through the estimation of natural frequencies and vibration modes in a simplified tubular structural system formed by two substructures, using MATLAB and ANSYS. The validation of the results was done through numerical modeling using the finite element method using and ANSYS software. The results obtained were satisfactory, thus demonstrating the feasibility of applying the CMS technique to an analysis of structural vibration in tubular structural systems.
International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration (IIAV)