Effect of synthetic analogue of ZP<sup>2</sup> peptide, an active center of GM-CSF, upon antilysozyme activity of <i>Candida</i>


Pashinina Olga A.,Kartashova Olga L.,Pashkova Tatiana M.,Gritsenko Viktor A.


Our aim was to analyze the effects of the ZP2 peptide, a synthetic analogue of active center of GM-CSF, upon antilysozyme activity (ALA) of Candida. 32 vaginal isolates of Candida spp were used in the work. Five species have been isolated from the vaginal secretions of the conditionally healthy pregnant women taken within a screening program. To study the effect of ZP2 on the ALA of the Candida fungi, the fungal cells were co-cultured with a ZP2 solution in Saburo broth medium at 37 oC for 24 hours. Thereafter, ALA of fungi was determined by photometric method. It was found that the ZP2 peptide caused a decreased expression of ALA of vaginal Candida spp. Isolates, i.e., loss of ALA in the isolates of C. glabrata, C. tropicalis, C. krusei and some isolates of C. albicans, as well as a decreased level of ALA in C. kefir and other C. albicans isolates. Thus, the synthetic analogue of ZP2 peptide (active center of GM-CSF) showed an inhibitory effect upon the antilysozyme activity of Candida.


Russian Society of Immunology


Immunology,General Medicine

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