Function of human skin T cells in wound healing in the in vitro experimental setting


Kostolomova Elena G.ORCID,Strelin Svyatoslav A.,Sukhovei Yuri G.,Unger Irina G.,Akuneeva Tatiana V.,Markov Alexander A.,Polyanskikh Elizaveta D.


Currently, the treatment of persistent non-healing wounds is among the most difficult clinical issues. We studied 20 samples of normal human skin, 10 specimens from patients with acute trauma, and 9 samples from the patients with chronic wounds that did not heal within 2 months. Using multicolor flow cytometry, we found that the resident T lymphocytes (CD3++ and CD3++) are able to locally produce biologically active substances, normalize human skin homeostasis, thus promoting the wound healing. The data obtained indicate that the blood contains mainly +T lymphocytes (p 0.001), while the +T cells detected in wounds represent a population similar to skin cells. We found no difference in the ratio of resident T cells in chronic and acute wounds, and healthy epithelium. Accordingly, non-healing of wounds and chronic clinical course may be caused by dysfunction of T cells. CD69 regulates T cell secretion of growth factors, IFN, IL-17 and IL-22. The relative number of CD69-expressing T cells from the patients with acute wounds was significantly increased, if compared with cells from normal epidermis and chronic wounds (10.5%2.3, 7.6%1.24, and 3.0%1.05, respectively. p 0.001). The number of cells with the CD3++CD69+ phenotype did not differ significantly between all three groups under comparison. Dysregulation of T cell-mediated healing in chronic wounds is caused by reduced production of IGF-1 by resident CD3++T lymphocytes (1.7%0.9 (p 0.001), and CD3++ (0.44%0.02, p 0.001) compared to CD3++T cells derived from acute wounds (13.6%5.6) and CD3++ (8.9%3.1). The + and + T cells isolated from non-healing chronic wounds did not respond to mitogenic stimuli, unlike the cells obtained from acute wounds and healthy skin. In vitro analysis of cytokine secretion by the CD69-deficient dermal T cells showed a lower spontaneous secretion of IL-22 (4.56%2.3 and 23.9%1.05 and 10.6%1.24, respectively; p 0.001) and IL-2 (0.9%0.08 and 22.6%2.5 and 3.9%1.0, and respectively; p 0.01). When analyzing the number of resident skin T cells secreting IL-17, we obtained the following differences for healthy skin (1.4%0.08), acute wounds (11.3%3.2) and chronic wounds (31.7%11.8), thus showing a significant intergroup difference (p 0.001). T lymphocytes in chronic wounds exhibit some functional disorders and are not able to produce biologically active substances that promote physiological tissue regeneration. The results suggest a role of resident T cells in human skin in wound healing processes and provide new insights into the pathogenesis of chronic wounds.


Russian Society of Immunology


Immunology,General Medicine

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