Sensitization to inhalation allergens in patients with psoriasis and atopic dermatitis


Barilo A. A.,Smirnova S. V.


Psoriasis is an autoimmune chronic inflammatory disease that affects various body organs and systems, mainly targeting the skin. In recent years, an association of autoimmune diseases with atopy has been actively debated. The published data aimed at examining relationship between atopy and psoriasis are very scarce and highly contradictory that account for importance of our study. Generation of transcutaneous sensitization due to potential invasion of allergens across impaired epidermal barrier in psoriasis is of special interest. We aimed at investigating a range of sensitization to pollen, fungal and indoor allergens in patients with psoriasis and atopic dermatitis and comparatively analyze our data. There were enrolled patients with psoriasis vulgaris (group 1, n = 27) aged 18 to 67 years (mean age 41.0±3.1 years). The comparison group consisted of patients with atopic dermatitis (group 2, n = 41) aged 18 to 57 (mean age 28.0±1.5 years). Allergen-specific examination was carried out (collection of allergic history, determining sensitization). Skin prick testing was performed by using standardized allergens (Allergopharma, Germany). Statistical data were analyzed by using the Statistica 6.0 software package. While conducting a comparative analysis regarding a range of sensitization to pollen allergens, it was found that sensitization to tree and weed pollen in patients with atopic dermatitis vs psoriasis was observed at significantly higher rate. Sensitization to indoor allergens in patients with atopic dermatitis vs psoriasis tended to increase. More than half of patients with psoriasis revealed sensitization to pollen derived from meadows, weeds, grasses and trees. Sensitization to Candida albicans tended to rise in patients with psoriasis vs atopic dermatitis. Moreover, we found that patients with psoriasis exerted much higher sensitization to Candida albicans, Cladosporium herbarum and indoor allergens was revealed. Hence, presence of damaged epidermal barrier in psoriasis likely contributes to increased invasion of inhalation allergens and formation of percutaneous sensitization. Therefore, further investigation of features related to the range of sensitization to various allergen groups in psoriasis seems promising and may lead to discovery of new therapeutic targets.


Russian Society of Immunology


Immunology,General Medicine

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