Assessing physical development and immunological parameters in adolescent girls with altered menstrual cycle


Komleva M. O.,Smolyagin A. I.,Konstantinova O. D.,Komleva N. V.


Gynecological morbidity particularly formation of menstrual function poses an important task because menstrual irregularities comprise a lead pathology among adolescent girls and considered as a marker of adverse environmental impact on female body [1, 2, 3]. The territories of the Orenburg Region [4] are known to be coupled to profound environmental and hygienic issues. We acknowledge the influence of anthropogenic stress on physical development and health in childhood by recording deviated physical development most frequently in children living in ecologically unfavorable territories [5]. Previously, we published the data on gynecological morbidity pattern in adolescent girls living in the Orenburg Region in territories with differed 7 year-monitored (from 2010 to 2016) anthropogenic stress [6]. Here we present the data on surveying girls aged 15-17 years with menstrual irregularities (MIs) living in the regions of the Orenburg region with varying anthropogenic stress assessed for their physical development, hormonal and immunological parameters. 2010- 2019 primary gynecological morbidity data were assessed based on available annual reports for various territories of the Orenburg Region. Subjects residing in the Western, Central and Eastern territories of the Orenburg Region were assesed based immune status data such as parameters of cell-mediated immunity, phagocytic indices, serum immunoglobulin class A, M, G as well as circulating immune complex levels. Hormone status was analyzed by assessing serum level of thyroid and sex hormones. It was found that oligomenorrhea in MIs was prevalent that tended to result in leptosomy and pachisomy in physical development. Most changes in adolescent girls were found in relative frequency of peripheral blood CD3+, CD4+ and CD19+ lymphocytes, phagocytic index as well as IgM, estradiol, progesterone, testosterone levels, LH, 17-OH-progesterone and cortisol. Our study demonstrated that adolescent girls living in the West and East of the region were featured with dominant oligomenorrhea in MIs associated with physical development tended to leptosomy and pachisomy. Assessing parameters of physical development in adolescent girls is of great importance and should be performed to diagnose potential menstrual irregularities. Thus, our data underline importance of negative impact of anthropogenic burden on gynecological health in adolescent girls.


Russian Society of Immunology


Immunology,General Medicine

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