Features of immune regulation and specific sensitization in children of the Northern Siberia


Chelakova Yu. A.


This paper highlights the features of immune regulation and specific hypersensitivity in children residing in the Northern Siberia being exposed to the extreme climatic and exogenous chemical risk factors. An immunological diagnostic examination of 255 children permanently residing in the region of exogenous hapten exposure was conducted. The control group consisted of 130 children residing on the territory not being exposed to exogenous chemical factors. Level of serum class G, A, M immunoglobulins was assessed by using a Mancini radial immunodiffusion reaction. Amount of total serum IgE, neuron-specific enolase, and VEGF was measured by using the ELISA. Changes in level of IgG specific to phenol and copper as well as IgE specific to nickel and benz(a)pyrene were measured by using enzyme-linked allergosorbent test. Peripheral blood lymphocyte subsets were analyzed by using membrane-bound immunofluorescence with a panel of labeled specific monoclonal antibodies. High-quality statistical data analysis was performed by using Microsoft® Office Excel 2003 software as well as Statistica 6.0 application software package (StatSoft, USA). Statistical significance was determined by using Student’s t-test. Relation between signs was estimated by using correlation and regression analysis as well as Fisher’s test. Immunological study demonstrated that immunogram parameters were significantly changed in the observation group by containing increased percentage of CD16+ effector cells absolute and relative CD19+ cell count (p ≤ 0.05), relative and absolute count of CD25+ lymphocytes (p ≤ 0.05) as well as CD95+T cells as compared to the reference values and control group (p ≤ 0.05). Moreover, level of neuron-specific enolase and VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) was increased compared to control group (p ≤ 0.05). It points that regulatory mediators potentially mapped to the glia and vascular intima in children from the observation group were extremely activated. The level of both total (total IgE) and specific sensitization was significantly increased by assessing immunoglobulin G specific to phenol as well as immunoglobulin E specific to nickel and benz(a)pyrene (p 0.05). Parameters of programmed cell death were significantly altered that was paralleled with simultaneous activation of general and specific sensitization highlighting features of the immunological status in children examined distinguished by excessive stress of immune regulatory arms in case of combined exposure to climate-geographic as well as exogenous chemical risk factors.


Russian Society of Immunology


Immunology,General Medicine

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