The burden of population aging and chronic conditions has been reported worldwide. Older adults, especially those with high needs, experience social isolation and have high rates of emergency visits and limited satisfaction with the care they receive. Mobile health (mHealth) technologies present opportunities to address these challenges. To date, limited information is available on Canadian older adults’ attitudes toward and use of mHealth technologies for self-tracking purposes—an area that is increasingly important and relevant during the COVID-19 era.
This study presents contributions to an underresearched area on older adults and mHealth technology use. The aim of this study was to compare older adults’ use of mHealth technologies to that of the general adult population in Canada and to investigate the factors that affect their use.
A cross-sectional survey on mHealth and digital self-tracking was conducted. A web-based questionnaire was administered to a national sample of 4109 Canadian residents who spoke either English or French. The survey instrument consisted of 3 sections assessing the following items: (1) demographic characteristics, health status, and comorbidities; (2) familiarity with and use of mHealth technologies (ie, mobile apps, consumer smart devices/wearables such as vital signs monitors, bathroom scales, fitness trackers, intelligent clothing); and (3) factors influencing the continued use of mHealth technologies.
Significant differences were observed between the older adults and the general adult population in the use of smart technologies and internet (P<.001). Approximately 47.4% (323/682) of the older adults in the community reported using smartphones and 49.8% (340/682) indicated using digital tablets. Only 19.6% (91/463) of the older adults using smartphones/digital tablets reported downloading mobile apps, and 12.3% (47/383) of the older adults who heard of smart devices/wearables indicated using them. The majority of the mobile apps downloaded by older adults was health-related; interestingly, their use was sustained over a longer period of time (P=.007) by the older adults compared to that by the general population. Approximately 62.7% (428/682) of the older adults reported tracking their health measures, but the majority did so manually. Older adults with one or more chronic conditions were mostly nontrackers (odds ratio 0.439 and 0.431 for traditional trackers and digital trackers, respectively). No significant differences were observed between the older adults and the general adult population with regard to satisfaction with mHealth technologies and their intention to continue using them.
Leveraging mHealth technologies in partnership with health care providers and sharing of health/well-being data with health care professionals and family members remain very limited. A culture shift in the provision of care to older adults is deemed necessary to keep up with the development of mHealth technologies and the changing demographics and expectations of patients and their caregivers.
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