State-of-the-art classifiers based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) generally outperform the diagnosis of dermatologists and could enable life-saving and fast diagnoses, even outside the hospital via installation on mobile devices. To our knowledge, at present, there is no review of the current work in this research area.
This study presents the first systematic review of the state-of-the-art research on classifying skin lesions with CNNs. We limit our review to skin lesion classifiers. In particular, methods that apply a CNN only for segmentation or for the classification of dermoscopic patterns are not considered here. Furthermore, this study discusses why the comparability of the presented procedures is very difficult and which challenges must be addressed in the future.
We searched the Google Scholar, PubMed, Medline, Science Direct, and Web of Science databases for systematic reviews and original research articles published in English. Only papers that reported sufficient scientific proceedings are included in this review.
We found 13 papers that classified skin lesions using CNNs. In principle, classification methods can be differentiated according to three principles. Approaches that use a CNN already trained by means of another large data set and then optimize its parameters to the classification of skin lesions are both the most common methods as well as display the best performance with the currently available limited data sets.
CNNs display a high performance as state-of-the-art skin lesion classifiers. Unfortunately, it is difficult to compare different classification methods because some approaches use non-public data sets for training and/or testing, thereby making reproducibility difficult.