Selfies are a ubiquitous aspect of modern culture, with millions shared on social media platforms daily. However, the increasing prevalence of selfie-related incidents, including injuries and fatalities, impacts emergency medicine and retrieval services. The project leverages the power of the scrollama library (JavaScript) and the Mapbox API, as well as a basic, media-derived, dataset to explore selfie-incidents at aquatic locations in Australia.
Using publicly available media reports, and a Wikipedia database of selfie-related incidents worldwide, a spreadsheet was populated containing information on type of incident, longitude and latitude, and corresponding media report. This enabled the incidents to be plotted using Mapbox Studio and the resulting data plotted as an interactive visualisation that updates with every user scroll. A publicly accessible visual representation of selfie-related incidents may be of use to emergency services and retrieval personnel who must navigate difficult terrain in the performance of their duty.