This paper explores the awareness and usage of sustainable menstrual products (SMPs) in Pune's urban, non-slum areas. The various menstrual products have evolved over the years. Apart from being environmentally detrimental, disposable products have equally risky health hazards. The study uses snowball sampling to collect online responses through a structured questionnaire for the survey. By using a Tobit regression model with the help of cluster variables, the study establishes that stigma, level of awareness, availability, doubtfulness about the efficacy and lack of visibility of SMPs in the market are significant the main deterrents in the usage of the SMPs in the market. Data indicates that the level of income and infrastructure do not determine the usage of SMPs for women. The study suggests target marketing through the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for more advertisement and visibility of the SMPs in the market, which would create a nudge to enhanced usage of the SMPs. This robust use of AI will ensure maximised visibility and generate more awareness, leading to better usage of SMPs.