The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has resulted in an unprecedented level of world-wide testing for epidemiologic and diagnostic purposes, and due to the extreme need for tests, the gold standard reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) testing capacity has been unable to meet the overall global testing demand. Consequently, although current literature has shown the sensitivity of rapid antigen tests (RATs) to be inferior to RT-qPCR, RATs have been implemented on a large scale without solid data on performance.
This study will compare analytical and clinical sensitivities and specificities of 50 lateral flow or laboratory based RATs and three Strand Invasion Based Amplification (SIBA)-rt-PCR tests from 30 manufacturers to RT-qPCR on samples obtained from the deep oropharynx. In addition, the study will compare sensitivities and specificities of the included RATs as well as RT-qPCR on clinical samples obtained from the deep oropharynx, anterior nasal cavity, saliva, deep nasopharynx and expired air to RT-qPCR from deep oropharyngeal samples.
In the prospective part of the study, 200 individuals found SARS-CoV-2 positive and 200 individuals found SARS-CoV-2 negative by routine RT-qPCR testing will be re-tested with each RAT applying RT-qPCR as the reference method. In the retrospective part of the study, 304 deep oropharyngeal cavity swabs divided into four groups based on RT-qPCR Cq levels will be tested by each RAT.
The results will be reported in several manuscripts with different aims.
The first manuscript will report retrospective (analytical sensitivity, overall and stratified into different Cq range groups) and prospective (clinical sensitivity) data for RATs with RT-qPCR results as the reference method. The second manuscript will report results for RAT based on anatomical sampling location. The third manuscript will compare different anatomical sampling locations by RT-qPCR testing. The fourth manuscript will focus on RATs that rely on central laboratory testing. Test from four different manufactures will be compared for analytical performance data on retrospective deep oropharyngeal swab samples. The fifth manuscript will report the results of four RATs applied both as professional use and as self-test. The last manuscript will report the results from two breath tests participating in the study.
Comparison of sensitivity and specificity between RATs will be done using McNemar for paired samples and chi-squared test for unpaired samples. Comparison of PPV and NPV between RATs will be done by bootstrap test.
95 % confidence intervals for sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value are calculated as bootstrap confidence intervals
The study will compare the sensitivities of a large number of RATs for SARS-CoV-2 compared to RT-qPCR and will address whether lateral flow based RATs test differ significantly from laboratory based RATS. The anatomical test location for both RAT and RT-qPCR will be compared.