Supporting patients to live well by optimizing behavior is a core tenet of primary health care. General practitioners and practice nurses experience barriers in providing behavior change interventions to patients for lifestyle behaviors, including low self-efficacy in their ability to enact change. Web-based learning technologies are readily available for general practitioners and practice nurses; however, opportunities to upskill in behavior change are still limited. Understanding what influences general practitioners’ and practice nurses’ adoption of web-based learning is crucial to enhancing the quality and impact of behavior change interventions in primary health care.
This study aimed to explore general practitioners’ and practice nurses’ perceptions regarding web-based learning to support patients with behavior change.
A qualitative, cross-sectional design was used involving web-based, semistructured interviews with general practitioners and practice nurses in Queensland, Australia. The interviews were recorded and transcribed using the built-in Microsoft Teams transcription software. Inductive coding was used to generate codes from the interview data for thematic analysis.
In total, there were 11 participants in this study, including general practitioners (n=4) and practice nurses (n=7). Three themes emerged from the data analysis: (1) reflecting on the provider of the Healthy Lifestyles suite; (2) valuing the web-based learning content and presentation; and (3) experiencing barriers and facilitators to using the Healthy Lifestyles suite.
Provider reputation, awareness of availability, resources, content quality, usability, cost, and time influence adoption of web-based learning. Perceived quality is associated with culturally tailored information, resources, a balance of information and interactivity, plain language, user-friendly navigation, appealing visual presentation, communication examples, and simple models. Free web-based learning that features progress saving and module lengths of less than 2 hours alleviate perceived time and cost barriers. Learning providers may benefit by including these features in their future behavior change web-based learning for general practitioners and practice nurses.