During the COVID-19 pandemic, many patient-facing digital self-triage tools were designed and deployed to alleviate demand for pandemic virus triage in hospitals and doctors’ offices by providing a way for people to self-assess health status and get advice on whether to seek care. These tools, provided via websites, apps, or patient portals allow people to answer questions, e.g., about symptoms and contact history, and receive guidance to appropriate care, which might be self-care.
The purpose of this scoping review was to explore the state of literature on digital self-triage tools that direct or advise care for adults during a pandemic, and to explore what has been learned about intended purpose, use, and quality of guidance, tool usability, impact on providers, and ability to forecast health outcomes or care demand.
A literature search was conducted in July 2021 using MEDLINE, Embase, Scopus, PsycINFO, CINAHL and Cochrane databases. Using Covidence, 1227 titles and abstracts were screened by two researchers, with 83 reviewed via full text screening. 22 articles met inclusion criteria: they allowed adults to self-assess for pandemic virus and directed to care. Using Microsoft Excel, we extracted and charted the following data: authors, publication year and country, country the tool was used in, whether the tool was integrated into a healthcare system, \research question/purpose, direction of care provided, and key findings.
All but two studies reported on tools developed since early 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic. Studies reported on tools were developed in 17 countries. Direction of care advice included directing to an ER, seek urgent care, contact/see a doctor, be tested, or to stay at home/self-isolate. Only two studies evaluated tool usability. One used 52 use-cases to evaluate quality of advice by tools in four countries, finding advice varied, e.g., tools in the US and UK often advising staying home when clinical assessment was warranted, while tools in Japan and Singapore advised seeking care. No study demonstrated that the tools reduce demand on the health care system, although at least one suggests data can predict demand for care and data allows monitoring public health.
While self-triage tools developed and used around the world have similarities in directing to care (ER, physician, self-care), they also differ in important ways. Some collect data to predict healthcare demand. Some are for use when concerned about health status; others are intended to be used repeatedly by users to monitor public health. Quality of triage may vary. The high use of such tools during the COVID-19 pandemic suggests research is needed to assess and ensure quality of advice given by self-triage tools, and to assess intended or unintended consequences on public health and health care systems.