Cervicogenic Headache (CH) is a secondary type of headache which is often unilateral. It radiates to regions such as cervical, occipital, frontal, temporal and pre-orbital. Pain episodes show varying duration of fluctuating or continuous pain. Myofascial Release (MFR) is a therapeutic technique that uses gentle pressure and stretching intending to decrease pain, restore optimized length and facilitate the release of fascial restrictions. High-intensity laser therapy (HILT) is a higher-intensity laser radiation that is a new painless and powerful modality that has significant results in pain reduction. The study is a pre-test post-test experimental in which 30 subjects will be divided into two groups based on block randomisation (Group A- Myofascial release) (Group B - Type IV LASER). The experimental evidence to support the claim of effectiveness of Type IV LASER in Cervicogenic Headache is not sufficient in terms of therapeutic effects. The aim of this study is to compare effectiveness of Type IV LASER and Myofascial Release in reducing the impacts following Cervicogenic Headache and improving the quality of life.
Trial Registration number is (CTRI/2020/05/024968). Universal Trial Number (UTN) is U1111-1263-5183.