The Easy and Versatile Neural Recording Platform (T-REX): Design and Development Study (Preprint)


Amigó-Vega JoaquínORCID,Ottenhoff Maarten CORCID,Verwoert MaximeORCID,Kubben PieterORCID,Herff ChristianORCID



Recording time in invasive neuroscientific research is limited and must be used as efficiently as possible. Time is often lost due to a long setup time and errors by the researcher, driven by the number of manually performed steps. Currently, recording solutions that automate experimental overhead are either custom-made by researchers or provided as a submodule in comprehensive neuroscientific toolboxes, and there are no platforms focused explicitly on recording.


Minimizing the number of manual actions may reduce error rates and experimental overhead. However, automation should avoid reducing the flexibility of the system. Therefore, we developed a software package named T-REX (Standalone Recorder of Experiments) that specifically simplifies the recording of experiments while focusing on retaining flexibility.


The proposed solution is a standalone webpage that the researcher can provide without an active internet connection. It is built using Bootstrap5 for the frontend and the Python package Flask for the backend. Only Python 3.7+ and a few dependencies are required to start the different experiments. Data synchronization is implemented using Lab Streaming Layer, an open-source networked synchronization ecosystem, enabling all major programming languages and toolboxes to be used for developing and executing the experiments. Additionally, T-REX runs on Windows, Linux, and macOS.


The system reduces experimental overhead during recordings to a minimum. Multiple experiments are centralized in a simple local web interface that reduces an experiment’s setup, start, and stop to a single button press. In principle, any type of experiment, regardless of the scientific field (eg, behavioral or cognitive sciences, and electrophysiology), can be executed with the platform. T-REX includes an easy-to-use interface that can be adjusted to specific recording modalities, amplifiers, and participants. Because of the automated setup, easy recording, and easy-to-use interface, participants may even start and stop experiments by themselves, thus potentially providing data without the researcher’s presence.


We developed a new recording platform that is operating system independent, user friendly, and robust. We provide researchers with a solution that can greatly increase the time spent on recording instead of setting up (with its possible errors).


JMIR Publications Inc.







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