Aphasia is a central disorder of comprehension and expression of language that cannot be attributed to a peripheral sensory deficit or a peripheral motor disorder. The diagnosis and treatment of aphasia are complex. Interventions that facilitate this process can lead to an increase in the number of assisted patients and greater precision in the therapeutic choice by the health professional.
This paper outlines a protocol of a study that aims to implement a computer-based solution (i.e., a platform) that uses deep learning (DL) algorithms to classify aphasia and serious games for treatment. Additionally, this study aims to evaluate the usability and user experience of the proposed solution.
Our interactive and smart platform will be developed to provide an alternative option for professionals and their patients with aphasia. We will design two serious games for aphasia rehabilitation, and a DL-driven computational solution to aid diagnosis. A pilot evaluation of usability and user experience will reveal user satisfaction with platform features.
The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Piauí in October 2021, registration number 5.134.321.
This research will contribute to the treatment and diagnosis of aphasia, by developing a computer solution based on a co-design process. Therefore, this research will provide an alternative method for healthcare to aphasia patients. Also, it will guide further studies with the same purpose.